folk beliefs
Folk beliefs often involve rituals to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
民間信仰通常涉及儀式來驅除邪靈並帶來好運。 -
In many cultures, folk beliefs are passed down through generations orally.
在許多文化中,民間信仰是口口相傳的。 -
Folk beliefs in some regions involve the worship of local deities and spirits.
一些地區的民間信仰涉及對當地神靈和靈魂的崇拜。 -
Folk beliefs often center around nature, with rituals related to agriculture and the seasons.
民間信仰通常以自然為中心,與農業和季節相關的儀式。 -
Many traditional festivals are rooted in folk beliefs and customs.
許多傳統節日源於民間信仰和習俗。 -
Folk beliefs may involve superstitions about certain animals or objects.
民間信仰可能涉及對某些動物或物品的迷信。 -
People often turn to folk remedies for common ailments and health issues.
人們常常求助於民間療法來治療常見的疾病和健康問題。 -
Folk beliefs sometimes include rituals to bring blessings to a new home or business.
民間信仰有時包括為新居或新事業帶來祝福的儀式。 -
Folk beliefs can vary widely from region to region, even within the same country.
民間信仰在不同地區之間甚至在同一個國家內都可能有很大的差異。 -
Exploring folk beliefs provides insights into the cultural heritage of a community.
Queen Mother of the West 是西王母的英文翻譯,西王母是中國神話中掌管不死藥和懲罰罪惡的女神,居住在崑崙山的瑤池金母宮,她是道教中的重要神祇,也是中國民間信仰中常見的神仙。
西王母的形象通常是一位身穿華服、頭戴鳳冠、手持仙桃或蟠桃的女性,她經常與青龍、白虎 ...