historical commemoration day
Veterans Day is a historical commemoration day to honor military veterans.
退伍軍人節是一個歷史紀念日,用來紀念軍事退伍軍人。 -
Martin Luther King Jr.
Day is a historical commemoration day celebrating civil rights.
馬丁·路德·金紀念日是一個歷史紀念日,慶祝民權。 -
Memorial Day is a historical commemoration day to remember and honor those who died in military service.
陣亡將士紀念日是一個歷史紀念日,用來紀念並榮譽在軍事服務中犧牲的人。 -
The nation observes a historical commemoration day each year to reflect on its past.
每年,國家都會舉行一個歷史紀念日,反思過去。 -
Juneteenth is a historical commemoration day marking the end of slavery in the United States.
六月節是一個歷史紀念日,標誌著美國奴隸制度的結束。 -
Columbus Day is a historical commemoration day that celebrates Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas.
哥倫布日是一個歷史紀念日,慶祝克里斯托弗·哥倫布抵達美洲。 -
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is a historical commemoration day to honor the lives lost in the attack.
珍珠港紀念日是一個歷史紀念日,用來榮譽在襲擊中喪生的生命。 -
The city holds a historical commemoration day ceremony at the war memorial every year.
這座城市每年在戰爭紀念碑舉行一次歷史紀念日的儀式。 -
The school teaches students about historical commemoration days to instill a sense of history.
學校教導學生有關歷史紀念日的知識,以培養對歷史的感知。 -
Labor Day is a historical commemoration day recognizing the contributions of workers.
二二八和平紀念日對台灣來說是一個非常重要的歷史紀念日,關於二二八的歷史事件,建議可以看維基百科的條目「二二八事件」,我們不是要討論歷史事件,而是要學習如何用英文表達二二八和平紀念日,把歷史事件也能融入成為學習的一部 ...