carambole, starfruit, star fruit
- Carambola can be eaten directly or used to cook or make candied fruit.
楊桃可以直接吃,也可以用來料理或製作成蜜餞。 -
The sugar content of carambola is the highest among all kinds of fresh fruits.
楊桃含糖量在各種鮮果中是最高的。 -
Carambola contains sucrose, fructose, and glucose.
楊桃含有蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖。 -
Carambola can be used to make cans, juices, jams or preserves.
楊桃可製造罐頭、果汁、果醬或蜜餞。 -
Carambola has a lot of ways to eat.
楊桃有非常多料理方式。 -
Taiwan has carambola to eat almost all year round.
台灣幾乎一年四季都有楊桃可以吃。 -
Carambola is rich in potassium ions.
楊桃含有豐富的鉀離子。 -
People with kidney disease are not suitable for eating carambola.
腎臟病患者不適合吃楊桃。 -
There is a carambola tree in my yard.
我家的院子有種一棵楊桃樹。 -
The favorite fruit of Mike is the carambola.