Easy to Cultivate
Herbs like basil and mint are easy to cultivate in a home garden.
像羅勒和薄荷這樣的香草在家庭花園中栽種容易。 -
Sunflowers are known for their bright blooms and are relatively easy to cultivate.
向日葵以其鮮豔的花朵而聞名,並且相對容易栽培。 -
Tomatoes are a popular choice for beginners in gardening because they are easy to cultivate.
西紅柿是花園初學者的熱門選擇,因為它們容易栽培。 -
Succulents are low-maintenance plants that are easy to cultivate indoors.
多肉植物是易於在室內栽培的低維護植物。 -
Peppers thrive in warm climates and are relatively easy to cultivate.
辣椒在溫暖的氣候中茁壯成長,栽培相對容易。 -
Herbs like rosemary and thyme are easy to cultivate and add flavor to dishes.
像迷迭香和百里香這樣的香草栽種容易,並能為菜肴增添風味。 -
Marigolds are vibrant flowers that are easy to cultivate and attract pollinators.
金盞花是鮮豔的花朵,栽種容易,能吸引授粉者。 -
Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that is easy to cultivate and produces abundant harvests.
小瓜是一種多用途的蔬菜,栽種容易,產量豐富。 -
Lavender is known for its soothing aroma and is easy to cultivate in well-drained soil.
薰衣草以其舒緩的香氣而聞名,在排水良好的土壤中栽種容易。 -
Radishes are quick-growing root vegetables that are easy to cultivate, even for beginners.
中秋節快到了,筆者剛剛在找中秋節相關的資料時,赫然發現搜尋引擎的自動翻譯竟然將柚子的英文翻譯成Grapefruit,有些英文底子的人應該一看就發現這問題很大,因為Grapefruit 根本不是柚子的意思,而是台灣水果市場常見的葡萄柚!這也許跟西方世界本身不產柚子有關,所以搜尋引擎 ...