pomelo tree名詞
The pomelo trees in the orchard were heavy with ripe fruits, their golden orbs shining in the sunlight.
果園裡的柚子樹滿載成熟的果實,金色的果實在陽光下閃閃發光。 -
Farmers carefully tend to their pomelo trees, ensuring each fruit grows to perfection.
農民們精心照料著他們的柚子樹,確保每顆果實都長得完美。 -
The fragrant aroma of pomelos filled the air around the pomelo trees.
柚子樹周圍彌漫著柚子的芳香氣味。 -
Workers climbed the pomelo trees to harvest the large, juicy fruits.
工人們爬上柚子樹收割那些又大又多汁的果實。 -
The pomelo trees stood tall and proud, their branches heavy with clusters of fruit.
柚子樹高高聳立,枝條上挂滿了一簇簇的果實,顯得自豪而挺拔。 -
Families gathered beneath the pomelo trees, enjoying the shade and the sweet fruits.
家庭聚集在柚子樹下,享受著樹蔭和甜美的果實。 -
Pomelo trees are known for their resilience, able to withstand harsh weather conditions.
柚子樹以其堅韌的品質而聞名,能夠抵禦惡劣的天氣條件。 -
The pomelos from this orchard are prized for their sweet flavor and refreshing taste.
這個果園的柚子因其甜美的味道和清爽的口感而受人喜愛。 -
Farmers use organic methods to fertilize and protect their pomelo trees from pests.
農民們使用有機方法來施肥並保護他們的柚子樹免受害蟲侵害。 -
The pomelo trees create a picturesque scene with their lush green foliage and hanging fruits.
中秋節快到了,筆者剛剛在找中秋節相關的資料時,赫然發現搜尋引擎的自動翻譯竟然將柚子的英文翻譯成Grapefruit,有些英文底子的人應該一看就發現這問題很大,因為Grapefruit 根本不是柚子的意思,而是台灣水果市場常見的葡萄柚!這也許跟西方世界本身不產柚子有關,所以搜尋引擎 ...