Is fundamental
- Communication is fundamental to building strong relationships with others.
溝通對於與他人建立良好關係是最基本的。 - Education is fundamental for personal growth and development.
教育對於個人的成長和發展是最基本的。 - Trust is fundamental in any successful partnership or collaboration.
信任在任何成功的合作夥伴關係或合作中都是最基本的。 - Good nutrition is fundamental to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
良好的營養對於保持健康的身體和心靈是最基本的。 - Respect for others' opinions is fundamental in promoting open dialogue.
尊重他人意見對於促進開放對話是最基本的。 - Safety is fundamental in any workplace to protect employees' well-being.
安全在任何工作場所中都是保護員工福祉的基本要素。 - Honesty is fundamental in building trust and credibility with others.
誠實在與他人建立信任和可信度方面是最基本的。 - Access to clean water is fundamental for public health and sanitation.
獲得潔淨的水源對於公共衛生和衛生設施是最基本的。 - Basic literacy skills are fundamental for individuals to participate in modern society.
基本的讀寫能力對於個人參與現代社會是最基本的。 - Equality and fairness are fundamental principles in creating a just society.