[動詞] rob
The bank was robbed at gunpoint last night.
昨晚銀行遭到持槍搶劫。 -
The jewelry store was the target of a daring robbery.
這家珠寶店成為大膽搶劫的目標。 -
The police quickly responded to the robbery and apprehended the suspects.
警方迅速對搶劫做出回應,並逮捕了嫌疑人。 -
The robbers made off with a large sum of cash from the store.
搶匪從商店裡奪走了一大筆現金。 -
He was injured during the robbery and had to be taken to the hospital.
他在搶劫中受傷,不得不被送往醫院。 -
The security camera footage captured the entire robbery on tape.
監視器的影像拍下了整個搶劫的過程。 -
The bank teller was shaken up after the violent robbery.
銀行出納在暴力搶劫後感到受到了震撼。 -
The robbers threatened the employees with knives and demanded money.
搶匪們用刀威脅員工,要求提供錢財。 -
The jewelry store owner installed extra security measures after the robbery.
珠寶店老板在搶劫後增加了額外的安全措施。 -
The community was on edge following the recent string of robberies.