


拿破崙派(或稱拿破崙蘇)就是法式千層酥,拿破崙派的英文名稱 mille-feuille 源自於法語 mille-feuille,而 mille-feuille 並不單指用酥皮做成的千層酥甜點,也可用來代稱用各種材料製作,中間夾著水果或奶油霜並疊成塔狀的甜點。


  1. 這家餐廳的拿破崙派是他們的招牌甜點。
    The mille-feuille at this restaurant is their signature dessert.
  2. 我喜歡拿破崙派上的層層酥皮和香濃的奶油。
    I love the layers of flaky pastry and rich cream on the mille-feuille.
  3. 昨天我學會了如何自製拿破崙派,非常好吃!
    Yesterday, I learned how to make mille-feuille myself, and it was delicious!
  4. 這家糕點店的拿破崙派被譽為城裡最好吃的。
    The mille-feuille at this pastry shop is considered the best in town.
  5. 你嘗過這家咖啡館裡的拿破崙派嗎?絕對不能錯過!
    Have you tried the mille-feuille at this café? It's a must-try!
  6. 拿破崙派的法式製作技巧需要細心和耐心。
    The French techniques used to make mille-feuille require attention to detail and patience.
  7. 這款拿破崙派的甜度剛好,不會太甜也不會太淡。
    The sweetness of this mille-feuille is just right, not too sweet nor too mild.
  8. 每次走過這家糕點店,都被拿破崙派的香氣吸引。
    Every time I pass by this pastry shop, I'm drawn in by the aroma of mille-feuille.
  9. 我的朋友對我製作的拿破崙派讚不絕口,讓我感到很驕傲。
    My friends couldn't stop praising the mille-feuille I made, which made me proud.
  10. 這款拿破崙派以其精緻的外觀和口感在甜點界中享有盛譽。
    This mille-feuille is renowned in the dessert world for its delicate appearance and taste.


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