Water pump
submersible pump
The water pump in the well efficiently draws groundwater to supply the household with clean and fresh water.
井中的抽水泵浦能夠高效地抽取地下水,為家庭提供清潔新鮮的飲用水。 -
Farmers use a water pump to irrigate their fields, ensuring crops receive the necessary hydration for optimal growth.
農民使用抽水泵浦灌溉田地,確保作物獲得所需的水分,以實現最佳生長。 -
The water pump in the car engine circulates coolant to maintain an optimal temperature for the vehicle.
汽車引擎中的抽水泵浦循環冷卻劑,以保持車輛的最佳溫度。 -
A solar-powered water pump provides a sustainable solution for remote areas, ensuring access to clean water.
太陽能抽水泵浦為偏遠地區提供可持續的解決方案,確保獲得清潔水源。 -
In emergency situations, firefighters deploy water pumps to access nearby water sources and combat fires.
在緊急情況下,消防員使用抽水泵浦獲取附近的水源,進行火災撲滅作業。 -
Industrial facilities utilize water pumps to transfer liquids between different processes and ensure smooth operations.
工業設施使用抽水泵浦在不同的工藝中轉移液體,確保運作順暢。 -
Submersible water pumps are commonly employed in aquariums to maintain water circulation and oxygenation.
潛水抽水泵浦常用於水族箱,以保持水流循環和增氧。 -
Municipal water supply systems rely on water pumps to deliver water from reservoirs to homes and businesses.
市政供水系統依賴抽水泵浦將水從水庫輸送到家庭和商業場所。 -
Water pumps play a crucial role in wastewater treatment plants by facilitating the movement of liquids through the treatment process.
污水處理廠中的抽水泵浦在促進液體通過處理過程中發揮著至關重要的作用。 -
Agricultural water pumps powered by renewable energy sources contribute to sustainable farming practices.
也許很多人喜歡在家裡或辦公室用魚缸養魚,增添室內的美觀,也有些人認為室內的水族箱可以帶來好風水,看著魚、蝦游來游去,水草飄逸的感覺也蠻讓人放鬆心情的,魚缸或水族箱的英文說法有好幾種,最常見的是 aquarium,也有 fish tank、fishbowl、fish globe ...