Job opportunities
I am looking for some part-time job opportunities to earn some extra income.
我正在尋找一些打工機會來賺取一些額外的收入。 -
There are many different part-time job opportunities to choose from in this city.
在這個城市,有許多不同的打工機會可供選擇。 -
Finding part-time job opportunities for the summer break is a great way for college students to gain work experience.
對大學生來說,找到暑假的打工機會是一個很好的方式來積累工作經驗。 -
This restaurant offers a great part-time job opportunity to learn how to handle food and provide excellent customer service.
這個餐廳提供了一個很好的打工機會,可以學到如何處理食品和提供良好的客戶服務。 -
He is searching online for part-time job opportunities that can help supplement his household expenses.
他正線上上尋找適合自己的打工機會,以補貼家用。 -
Many people find their ideal part-time job opportunities through websites or social media.
許多人透過網站或社交媒體找到了他們理想的打工機會。 -
Part-time job opportunities not only allow you to make money but also provide valuable skills and experiences.
打工機會不僅可以賺錢,還可以學到許多寶貴的技能和經驗。 -
Some part-time job opportunities require some work experience, but there are also positions suitable for beginners.
有些打工機會需要有一定的工作經驗,但也有一些適合新手的職位。 -
He is considering taking that factory's part-time job opportunity because of the good pay and flexible working hours.
他正在考慮接受那個工廠的打工機會,因為工資不錯且工作時間彈性。 -
After some searching, she finally found an ideal part-time job opportunity working at a local shop.
相信很多學生族群都有打工的經驗,筆者年輕的時候也在許多地方打工過,對學生來說,打工可以累積經驗也可以賺些收入,是相當不錯的課後休閒活動,甚至可以趁打工的時候拓展人脈呢!打工的英文最常用的說法是 part-time job,意思是「兼職工作」,如果是指兼職的人或是工讀的人,則可以稱 ...