Seeing a black cat cross your path is considered an omen of bad luck in some cultures.
在某些文化中,看到黑貓經過你的道路被視為厄運的徵兆。 -
The sudden appearance of a shooting star was seen as an omen of good fortune.
突然出現的流星被認為是好運的徵兆。 -
The howling of wolves at night was considered an omen of danger.
晚上狼的嗥叫被視為危險的徵兆。 -
The ancient texts spoke of a comet as an omen of significant events to come.
古代的文獻中提到彗星是一個即將發生重大事件的徵兆。 -
The villagers took the appearance of a rainbow as an omen of peace and prosperity.
村民們認為彩虹的出現是和平與繁榮的徵兆。 -
Hearing an owl hooting near the house was seen as an omen of death.
聽到貓頭鷹在房子附近咕嚕咕嚕叫是死亡的徵兆。 -
The old woman interpreted the crow's cawing as an omen of a coming storm.
老婦人把烏鴉的叫聲解釋為即將來臨的暴風雨的徵兆。 -
Some cultures view a double rainbow as an omen of impending change.
一些文化將雙彩虹視為即將到來的變化的徵兆。 -
The sighting of a shooting star was considered an omen of a wish coming true.
看到流星被認為是願望成真的徵兆。 -
The sudden stillness of the air was an omen of the approaching tornado.
月亮的變化是由於太陽、地球和月球之間的位置關係而產生的,月亮本身並不發光,而是反射太陽的光,當月亮位於地球和太陽之間時,我們看不到月亮,稱為新月,隨著月亮在軌道上運行,我們可以看到月亮越來越亮,稱為眉月、上弦月、盈凸月、滿月,之後,月亮開始變暗,稱為虧凸月、下弦月、殘月,最後 ...