The new drug is potent and can effectively treat the disease.
這種新藥非常強效,可以有效治療這種疾病。 -
The company developed a potent cleaner that can remove stubborn stains.
這家公司研制出一種強效清潔劑,可以去除頑固的污漬。 -
The potent fragrance of the flowers filled the entire room.
花朵的濃郁香氣充滿了整個房間。 -
The researchers are working on a potent vaccine to combat the virus.
研究人員正在開發一種強效疫苗來對抗這種病毒。 -
The herb is known for its potent medicinal properties.
這種草藥以其強效的藥用特性而聞名。 -
The team devised a potent strategy to win the championship.
這支球隊制定了一種強效策略來贏得冠軍。 -
The chef added a potent blend of spices to enhance the flavor of the dish.
廚師添加了一種強效的香料混合物來增強菜肴的風味。 -
The new cleaning product claims to be more potent than traditional detergents.
這種新的清潔產品聲稱比傳統洗滌劑更強效。 -
The storm brought with it a potent force that uprooted trees and caused damage to buildings.
這場風暴帶來了一股強大的力量,連樹木都被連根拔起,建築物也受到了損害。 -
The CEO's leadership skills were so potent that they transformed the company's performance within a year.
CEO 的領導才能如此強大,以至於在一年內改變了公司的業績。