


寓言的英文 fable 來自拉丁文 fabula,意思是小故事,複數形態為 fables,寓言也常用 allegory 來表示,形容詞為 allegorical,寓言故事英文可以說 fable story 或 allegorical story


  1. Aesop's fables are well-known for their moral lessons taught through animal characters.
  2. The fable of "The Tortoise and the Hare" teaches us that slow and steady wins the race.
  3. The fable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" warns against lying and the consequences it brings.
  4. Through fables, children learn valuable life lessons in a simple and engaging way.
  5. "The Fox and the Grapes" is a fable about how we often despise what we cannot have.
  6. Fables have been used for centuries to teach morals and values to people of all ages.
  7. "The Ant and the Grasshopper" is a classic fable that highlights the importance of hard work and planning.
  8. Fables often feature animals as characters, each representing different human traits or behaviors.
  9. "The Lion and the Mouse" teaches us that even the smallest creatures can be of help in times of need.
  10. The fable of "The Dog and Its Reflection" warns against being too greedy and losing what we already have.
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