Good defense is essential for winning close games.
良好的守備對於贏得接近比分的比賽極為重要。 -
The team focused on defensive drills during practice.
這支球隊在練習中專注於守備訓練。 -
The shortstop made a diving stop, displaying excellent defense.
游擊手飛身阻止,展示出了優秀的守備。 -
His glove work is a key part of his strong defense at third base.
他的手套技術是他在三壘強勁守備的關鍵部分。 -
The pitcher relies on the defense behind him to make plays.
投手依靠他身後的守備來完成守備。 -
The team's defense turned a double play to end the inning.
這支球隊的守備進行了一次雙殺,結束了局。 -
They practiced relay throws to improve their outfield defense.
他們練習中繼投球來提高他們的外野守備。 -
The catcher's quick release is an asset to the team's defense against stolen bases.
捕手的快速送出是球隊對抗盜壘的守備資產。 -
A solid defense can turn the momentum of a game.
一支穩固的守備可以改變比賽的勢頭。 -
She received an award for her outstanding defense throughout the season.
棒球是一種精彩的運動,其中有許多特有的術語。首先是「全壘打」,指的是打者一棒打到底的情況,可以直接跑完四個壘包得分,接著是「三振」,表示投手在三球內成功將打擊者三次觸擊失敗,使其出局,另外還有「保送」,當投手四壞球讓打者直接走到一壘。而「安打」則是打者擊球成功並安全到達壘包的 ...