Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy that studies the physical properties of celestial objects and phenomena.
天文物理學是研究天體物理性質和現象的天文學分支。 -
The study of astrophysics involves the application of laws of physics to explain astronomical phenomena.
天體物理學的研究涉及運用物理學定律解釋天文現象。 -
One of the main goals of astrophysics is to understand the origin and evolution of the universe.
天體物理學的主要目標之一是了解宇宙的起源和演化。 -
Astrophysicists study a wide range of objects in the universe, including planets, stars, galaxies, and black holes.
天體物理學家研究宇宙中的各種物體,包括行星、恆星、星系和黑洞。 -
The study of astrophysics also involves the use of telescopes, spacecraft, and other observational tools to collect data about the universe.
天體物理學的研究還涉及使用望遠鏡、太空船和其他觀測工具收集宇宙數據。 -
The study of astrophysics has led to many important discoveries about the universe, including the existence of dark matter and dark energy.
天體物理學的研究已經帶來了許多關於宇宙的重要發現,包括暗物質和暗能量的存在。 -
Astrophysics plays a critical role in our understanding of the universe and in the development of new technologies, such as space exploration and satellite communications.
天體物理學在我們對宇宙的理解以及新技術的發展,例如太空探索和衛星通信方面發揮了關鍵作用。 -
The study of astrophysics also involves collaboration with researchers from other fields, such as chemistry, geology, and computer science.
天體物理學的研究還涉及與來自其他領域的研究人員合作,例如化學、地質學和計算機科學。 -
Many universities and research institutions around the world offer programs in astrophysics for students who are interested in pursuing careers in this field.
世界上許多大學和研究機構為有興趣從事天體物理學職業的學生提供天體物理學的課程。 -
The study of astrophysics continues to be a vibrant field of research, with new discoveries and advancements being made all the time.