essential necessities
basic essentials
Clean water and food are basic essentials for survival in any emergency situation.
乾淨的水和食物是在任何緊急情況下生存的基本必需品。 -
The charity organization provides essential necessities to families in need.
這家慈善組織向需要幫助的家庭提供基本必需品。 -
The survival kit includes a first-aid set, a flashlight, and other essential necessities.
生存工具包包括急救用品、手電筒和其他基本必需品。 -
The government is working to ensure that all citizens have access to essential necessities.
政府正在努力確保所有公民都能獲得基本必需品。 -
The shelter provided refugees with blankets, clothing, and other essential necessities.
避難所為難民提供毛毯、衣服和其他基本必需品。 -
In times of crisis, the focus is on delivering essential necessities to affected areas.
在危機時期,重點是將基本必需品送到受影響的地區。 -
The organization collects donations to purchase essential necessities for impoverished communities.
該組織收集捐款,為貧困社區購買基本必需品。 -
Having a reliable power source is considered one of the essential necessities for modern living.
擁有可靠的電源被視為現代生活的基本必需品之一。 -
The disaster relief team distributed tents, food, and other essential necessities to the victims.
災難救援隊向受災者分發帳篷、食物和其他基本必需品。 -
As a hiker, it's crucial to carry essential necessities like a map, water, and a first-aid kit.