The park has a walking path surrounding a beautiful lake.
公園有一條圍繞著美麗湖泊的步行道。 -
The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains.
這座城市四周被風景如畫的山脈圍繞著。 -
The garden is surrounded by a high fence for privacy.
這個花園被高高的籬笆圍繞著,保護隱私。 -
The hotel has a lovely garden surrounding the swimming pool.
飯店周圍有一個美麗的花園圍繞著游泳池。 -
The small town is surrounded by dense forests.
這個小鎮四周被茂密的森林圍繞著。 -
The castle is surrounded by a moat and stone walls.
城堡被護城河和石牆圍繞著。 -
The school is located in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by trees.
這所學校位於一個被樹木圍繞著的安靜社區。 -
The restaurant's outdoor seating area is surrounded by lush greenery.
這家餐廳的戶外座位區被蓊鬱的綠植圍繞著。 -
The village is surrounded by fields of golden wheat.
這個村莊四周圍繞著金黃色的小麥田。 -
The historic castle is surrounded by a medieval town.