[動詞] object(不以為然、拒絕), be opposed to, combat(戰鬥、反抗), argue(辯、反對意見), dissent(持異議); [介係詞] against
The students formed a group to oppose the new school policy.
學生們組成了一個團體來反對新的學校政策。 -
Many citizens voiced their opposition to the proposed construction of a new landfill.
許多市民表達了對新建垃圾填埋場計劃的反對意見。 -
The opposition party issued a statement strongly opposing the government's decision.
反對黨發表聲明,強烈反對政府的決定。 -
Local residents organized a petition to express their opposition to the industrial plant.
當地居民組織了一份請願書,表達對工業廠的反對。 -
Environmental groups are actively opposing the construction of the new dam.
環保團體積極反對新水壩的建設。 -
The mayor faced strong opposition from city council members over the budget proposal.
市長在預算提案上面臨市議會成員的強烈反對。 -
The community held a protest rally to show their opposition to the highway expansion project.
社區舉行抗議集會,表達對高速公路擴建專案的反對。 -
The opposition candidate outlined his views in a speech criticizing the current government.
反對派候選人在一次演講中概述了自己的觀點,批評了現政府。 -
Parents gathered signatures on a petition opposing the closure of the local school.
家長們在一份請願書上徵集簽名,反對當地學校的關閉。 -
The labor union announced plans to organize a strike in opposition to the proposed pay cuts.