air conditioner名詞
Remember to clean the filters of the air conditioner regularly for optimal performance.
記得定期清潔冷氣機的濾網,以獲得最佳性能。 -
The portable air conditioner is perfect for cooling smaller rooms during hot summer days.
便攜式冷氣機在炎熱的夏天為較小的房間提供了完美的降溫效果。 -
Installing an air conditioner in the bedroom has greatly improved our quality of sleep.
在臥室安裝冷氣機大大改善了我們的睡眠品質。 -
We bought a new air conditioner with a remote control for easy temperature adjustments.
我們買了一台帶遙控的新冷氣機,方便調節溫度。 -
The air conditioner automatically adjusts its settings based on the room temperature.
冷氣機會根據房間溫度自動調整設定。 -
During the summer heatwave, the demand for air conditioners soared.
在夏季熱浪期間,冷氣機的需求飆升。 -
The air conditioner comes with a timer function, allowing you to set specific operating hours.
冷氣機配有定時功能,讓您可以設定特定的運行時間。 -
Our office is equipped with energy-efficient air conditioners to reduce electricity costs.
我們的辦公室配備了節能冷氣機,以降低電費。 -
The old air conditioner was replaced with a new model that cools the room much faster.
舊的冷氣機被換成了一款新型號,降溫速度更快。 -
Is it possible to relocate the air conditioner to another room? This room doesn't cool well.