Walk-off Home Run
The batter hit a walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth to win the game.
打者在第九局下半場擊出了一個再見全壘打來贏得比賽。 -
With two outs and the bases loaded, she delivered a walk-off grand slam.
兩出局滿壘時,她擊出了一個再見滿壘全壘打。 -
The walk-off home run sent the home crowd into a frenzy of celebration.
再見全壘打讓主場觀眾陷入了瘋狂的慶祝中。 -
He became a hero when his walk-off homer cleared the center-field wall.
當他的再見全壘打飛過中外野牆時,他成為了一個英雄。 -
The team erupted from the dugout to greet the batter after the walk-off blast.
在再見全壘打之後,全隊從球洞跑出來迎接打者。 -
It was a dramatic end to the game, with a walk-off home run sealing the win.
這是一場戲劇性的比賽結束,一個再見全壘打鎖定了勝利。 -
The fans held their breath as the batter stepped up with two outs, then erupted into cheers at the walk-off shot.
當打者在兩出局時上場,球迷屏息靜氣,然後在再見全壘打後歡呼起來。 -
She clinched the victory with a walk-off homer that cleared the left-field fence.
她用一個飛越左外野牆的再見全壘打確定了勝利。 -
The walk-off home run was the perfect ending to an intense game.
再見全壘打是一場激烈比賽的完美結局。 -
The stadium shook with excitement as the walk-off home run soared into the stands.
棒球是一種精彩的運動,其中有許多特有的術語。首先是「全壘打」,指的是打者一棒打到底的情況,可以直接跑完四個壘包得分,接著是「三振」,表示投手在三球內成功將打擊者三次觸擊失敗,使其出局,另外還有「保送」,當投手四壞球讓打者直接走到一壘。而「安打」則是打者擊球成功並安全到達壘包的 ...