detective agency名詞
The detective agency specializes in solving complex cases.
這家偵探社專門解決複雜案件。 -
The detective agency has a team of highly skilled investigators.
這家偵探社有一支高技能的調查團隊。 -
The detective agency offers a range of services including surveillance and background checks.
這家偵探社提供一系列的服務,包括監視和背景調查。 -
The detective agency is discreet and maintains the confidentiality of their clients.
這家偵探社很謹慎,保持客戶的機密性。 -
The detective agency is licensed and registered with the local authorities.
這家偵探社已獲當地當局的許可和登記。 -
The detective agency has successfully solved many high-profile cases.
這家偵探社成功解決了許多知名案件。 -
The detective agency uses state-of-the-art technology to gather evidence.
這家偵探社使用先進技術收集證據。 -
The detective agency provides regular updates to their clients on the progress of their case.
這家偵探社會定期向客戶提供他們案件進展的最新消息。 -
The detective agency has a reputation for being thorough and efficient.
這家偵探社以其周密和高效著稱。 -
The detective agency offers a free consultation to potential clients.
因為用搜尋引擎翻譯徵信社,竟然獲得 credit bureau 這樣的答案,有點傻眼,可能現階段的搜尋引擎還無法判斷徵信社究竟是什麼樣的機構,也許未來的搜尋引擎會更聰明,筆者先說,徵信社的英文不叫 credit bureau 唷!這個 credit bureau 其實是一個數據收 ...