[動詞] hold something's value, maintain something's value
- Hold its value:指資產在特定時間段內保持其價值的能力。
- Maintain its value:指資產在特定時間段內保持其價值的能力。
- Appreciate in value:指資產隨著時間的推移而升值。
- Resist inflation:指資產的價值能夠抵禦通貨膨脹的影響。
- value-preserving:是保值的意思,它可以用來描述任何能夠保持其價值的資產或事物。
- value preservation:等同於 Value-preserving。
- Preserve wealth:通常是描述保持財富。
Value-preserving 由兩個詞組成:value 和 preserving。Value 指的是價值,preserving 指的是保持。因此,value-preserving 的字面意思是“保持價值”。
在金融領域,value-preserving 通常用來描述能夠抵禦通貨膨脹的資產。通貨膨脹會導致貨幣購買力下降,因此能夠抵禦通貨膨脹的資產能夠保持其價值。
preserve wealth 也是保值的意思。它可以用來描述任何能夠保持其價值的資產或事物,Preserve wealth 由兩個詞組成:preserve 和 wealth,Preserve 指的是保持,wealth 指的是財富。因此,preserve wealth 的字面意思是保持財富。
Preserve wealth 與 value-preserving 的含義相同,但 preserve wealth 更強調對財富的保護,Value-preserving 則更強調資產或事物的價值。
Diversifying your investment portfolio can help you preserve capital and hedge against inflation.
分散投資組合有助於保值並對抗通膨。 -
Many investors turn to gold as a way to preserve wealth during times of economic uncertainty.
許多投資者將黃金視為在經濟不確定時期保值的途徑。 -
Real estate has long been considered a reliable asset for wealth preservation.
房地產一直被認為是財富保值的可靠資產。 -
Government bonds are often seen as a safe haven for preserving capital.
政府債券通常被視為保值的避風港。 -
Investors seek out opportunities to hedge their investments against market downturns.
投資者尋求機會對抗市場下跌,以保值。 -
Proper risk management strategies can help investors maintain the value of their assets.
正確的風險管理策略可以幫助投資者維持其資產的價值。 -
In times of economic instability, preserving capital becomes a top priority for investors.
在經濟不穩定的時期,保值成為投資者的首要任務。 -
Preservation of purchasing power is a key consideration in long-term financial planning.
保持購買力在長期財務規劃中是一個關鍵考慮因素。 -
Some investors opt for low-risk assets to ensure capital preservation over time.
一些投資者選擇低風險資產,以確保長期保值。 -
Long-term investors focus on strategies that prioritize wealth preservation and steady growth.