business management名詞
- business administration
- business management
- management
- corporate management
business administration 和 business management 是最常見的說法,指對企業的經營和管理。
management 指對組織或機構的經營和管理,可以是企業,也可以是其他組織。
corporate management 和 business administration、business management 的差別在於:
- corporate management 強調企業的性質,通常指對大型企業或跨國公司的經營和管理。
- business administration 強調學科性質,通常指企業管理的學科和理論。
- business management 強調實踐性質,通常指企業管理的實踐和應用。
在實際使用中,corporate management、business administration、business management 三個詞都可以用來表示企業管理。
She studied business management to learn about organizational strategies.
她學習企業管理以了解組織策略。 -
The university offers a degree program in business management.
這所大學提供企業管理學位課程。 -
Effective business management involves strategic planning and decision-making.
有效的企業管理包括戰略規劃和決策。 -
The business management course covers topics such as finance and marketing.
企業管理課程涵蓋了財務和行銷等主題。 -
She aspires to pursue a career in business management.
她渴望在企業管理領域追求事業。 -
The company hired a new vice president of business management.
公司聘請了一位新的企業管理副總裁。 -
He specializes in business management consulting for small businesses.
他專門從事小型企業的企業管理咨詢工作。 -
The business management team is responsible for overseeing daily operations.
企業管理團隊負責監督日常運營。 -
Business management skills are essential for running a successful company.
企業管理技能對於經營一家成功的公司極為重要。 -
She completed a master's degree in business management from a prestigious university.
她在一所知名大學完成了企業管理碩士學位。 - The MBA program focuses on advanced topics in business and corporate management.
這個工商管理碩士課程專注於商業和企業管理的高級主題。 -
Effective corporate management requires strong leadership and strategic planning.
有效的企業管理需要強大的領導力和戰略規劃。 -
She oversees the daily operations of the company as part of her corporate management role.
作為企業管理職位的一部分,她監督公司的日常運營。 -
The seminar covered topics such as financial management and corporate governance.
這個研討會涵蓋了財務管理和企業治理等主題。 -
The CEO has a wealth of experience in corporate management.
這位CEO在企業管理方面擁有豐富的經驗。 -
Corporate management is responsible for setting the company's strategic direction.
企業管理負責訂定公司的戰略方向。 -
The company underwent a restructuring under new corporate management.
在新的企業管理下,公司進行了一次重組。 -
The course covers various aspects of corporate management, including human resources and marketing.
這門課程涵蓋了企業管理的各個方面,包括人力資源和行銷。 -
The consultant provided recommendations for improving corporate management practices.
顧問提出了改善企業管理實踐的建議。 -
Effective communication is key to successful corporate management.