agency fee名詞
仲介費用的英文翻譯取決於具體的語境。在一般情況下,仲介費可以用 commission 或 brokerage fee 來表示,仲介費用最常用的英文翻譯是 commission,其次是 brokerage fee 和 agency fee。
- Commission 指的是佣金,通常是指代理人或經紀人因促成交易而獲得的報酬。
- Brokerage fee 指的是經紀費,通常是指經紀人為客戶提供服務而收取的費用。
- Agency fee 是 仲介費的英文之一,通常是指代理人或經紀人為客戶提供服務而收取的費用。
- Intermediary fee 是 仲介費 的英文翻譯之一,Intermediary 的意思是 中介人 或 代理人,是指在交易或服務過程中居於中間地位,撮合交易或提供服務的人或機構。
在不動產交易中,仲介費通常是指買賣雙方支付給仲介公司的費用,作為仲介公司促成交易的報酬。在這種情況下,仲介費用可以用 real estate commission 或 real estate brokerage fee 來表示。
The commission is charged by the third-party company that facilitates the transaction.
仲介費用由促成交易的第三方公司收取。 -
The commission is included in the total cost of the service.
仲介費用已包含在服務的總成本中。 -
We need to consider the commission when calculating the total expenses.
在計算總費用時,我們需要考慮仲介費用。 -
The commission is paid to the intermediary bank for processing the transaction.
仲介費用是支付給中介銀行處理交易的費用。 -
The commission varies depending on the complexity of the transaction.
仲介費用根據交易的複雜程度而有所不同。 -
The sender is responsible for covering the commission for the international transfer.
匯款人需要支付國際轉帳的仲介費用。 -
The commission is deducted from the transferred amount before it reaches the recipient.
仲介費用在轉帳到達收款人之前從轉帳金額中扣除。 -
Some banks charge a flat-rate commission for all transactions.
一些銀行對所有交易收取固定的仲介費用。 -
It's important to check the commission policy of the bank before making a transfer.
在進行轉帳之前,重要的是檢查銀行的仲介費用政策。 -
The commission is usually stated clearly in the transaction summary.
仲介費用通常清楚地列在交易摘要中。 -
The intermediary fee is charged by the third-party company that facilitates the transaction.
仲介費用由促成交易的第三方公司收取。 -
The intermediary fee is included in the total cost of the service.
仲介費用已包含在服務的總成本中。 -
We need to consider the intermediary fees when calculating the total expenses.
在計算總費用時,我們需要考慮仲介費用。 -
The intermediary fee is paid to the intermediary bank for processing the transaction.
仲介費用是支付給中介銀行處理交易的費用。 -
The intermediary fee varies depending on the complexity of the transaction.
仲介費用根據交易的複雜程度而有所不同。 -
The sender is responsible for covering the intermediary fees for the international transfer.
匯款人需要支付國際轉帳的仲介費用。 -
The intermediary fee is deducted from the transferred amount before it reaches the recipient.
仲介費用在轉帳到達收款人之前從轉帳金額中扣除。 -
Some banks charge a flat-rate intermediary fee for all transactions.
一些銀行對所有交易收取固定的仲介費用。 -
It's important to check the intermediary fee policy of the bank before making a transfer.
在進行轉帳之前,重要的是檢查銀行的仲介費用政策。 -
The intermediary fee is usually stated clearly in the transaction summary.