Asian Elephant名詞
The Asian elephant is the largest land animal in Asia, known for its intelligence and gentle nature.
亞洲象是亞洲最大的陸地動物,以其聰明和溫和的性情而聞名。 -
We were fortunate to witness a herd of Asian elephants bathing in the river on a hot day.
我們很幸運地看到一群亞洲象在炎熱的一天裡在河裡洗澡。 -
Conservationists are working tirelessly to protect the dwindling population of Asian elephants in the wild.
保育人士不懈努力地保護野外亞洲象的稀少族群。 -
The Asian elephant's trunk is a versatile tool, used for grasping objects, gathering food, and even communicating with other elephants.
亞洲象的象鼻是一個多功能的工具,用於抓取物品、收集食物,甚至與其他象互相溝通。 -
A baby Asian elephant frolicked joyfully under the watchful eye of its mother.
一隻幼小的亞洲象在母親的眼睛注視下快樂地嬉戲。 -
Asian elephants are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses, leaves, and fruits.
亞洲象是草食動物,主要以草、葉子和水果為食。 -
The mahout skillfully guided the Asian elephant through the dense jungle, their bond evident in their synchronized movements.
馬夫巧妙地引導著亞洲象穿越茂密的叢林,他們之間的羈絆在他們同步的動作中顯而易見。 -
Tourists marveled at the intricate carvings on the ceremonial headdress worn by the decorated Asian elephant.
遊客們對裝飾著華麗頭飾的亞洲象上精美雕刻感到驚嘆。 -
The Asian elephant's ears are large and fan-shaped, helping to regulate its body temperature in hot climates.
亞洲象的耳朵又大又扇形,有助於在炎熱的氣候中調節其體溫。 -
A rescued Asian elephant, once injured and orphaned, now thrives in a sanctuary dedicated to their care.