His hands were chapped from working outside in the cold weather.
他的手因在寒冷的天氣中工作而乾裂。 -
Chapped skin can be painful and itchy, especially in dry climates.
乾裂的皮膚可能會疼痛和發癢,特別是在乾燥的氣候中。 -
Using a moisturizer regularly can help prevent chapped skin.
定期使用保濕劑可以幫助預防皮膚乾裂。 -
Her lips became chapped after spending a day at the beach without sunscreen.
在沒有防曬霜的情況下在沙灘上度過一天後,她的嘴唇變得乾裂。 -
Chapped hands are a common issue for people who work with their hands outdoors.
對於戶外工作的人來說,乾裂的手是一個常見的問題。 -
Applying a soothing lotion can provide relief for chapped skin.
塗抹舒緩霜可以緩解皮膚乾裂的不適。 -
Dry and chapped lips can benefit from a lip balm with natural oils.
乾燥和乾裂的嘴唇可以受益於含有天然油的護唇膏。 -
Chapped heels can be painful, so it's essential to keep them moisturized.
乾裂的腳跟可能會疼痛,因此保持它們濕潤極為重要。 -
The cold, windy weather can lead to chapped skin on your face.