Central and Southern
The central and southern regions of the country experience milder winters compared to the north.
該國的中南部地區冬季相對北部來說較溫和。 -
Many tourists flock to the central and southern coasts for their beautiful beaches.
許多遊客湧向中南部海岸,享受其美麗的海灘。 -
The central and southern parts of the country are known for their rich cultural heritage.
該國的中南部地區以其豐富的文化遺產而聞名。 -
Agriculture is a major industry in the central and southern provinces.
農業是中南部省份的主要產業。 -
The central and southern regions have a more tropical climate, with lush vegetation and abundant rainfall.
中南部地區擁有更為熱帶的氣候,植被茂盛,降雨充沛。 -
The central and southern parts of the country are famous for their vibrant festivals.
該國的中南部地區以其豐富多彩的節日而聞名。 -
The central and southern provinces offer a diverse range of traditional cuisines.
中南部省份提供多樣化的傳統美食。 -
The central and southern areas are home to many indigenous communities with unique cultures.
中南部地區有許多擁有獨特文化的原住民社群。 -
The central and southern parts of the country are popular destinations for eco-tourism.
該國的中南部地區是生態旅遊的熱門目的地。 -
The central and southern provinces contribute significantly to the country's economic growth.
中秋節快到了,筆者剛剛在找中秋節相關的資料時,赫然發現搜尋引擎的自動翻譯竟然將柚子的英文翻譯成Grapefruit,有些英文底子的人應該一看就發現這問題很大,因為Grapefruit 根本不是柚子的意思,而是台灣水果市場常見的葡萄柚!這也許跟西方世界本身不產柚子有關,所以搜尋引擎 ...