I've known my best friend for a lifetime, and our bond is unbreakable.
我和我最好的朋友認識了一輩子,我們的情誼牢不可破。 -
Achieving your dreams can be a fulfilling journey throughout your lifetime.
達到夢想可以是一個充實的一輩子旅程。 -
Marriage is a commitment to spend a lifetime together through thick and thin.
婚姻是一種承諾,要在喜怒哀樂中共度一輩子。 -
Some people dedicate their lifetime to charitable causes and helping others.
有些人奉獻一輩子來從事慈善事業和幫助他人。 -
The memories we create last a lifetime and shape who we become.
我們創造的回憶會持久一輩子,塑造我們的人生。 -
A loving relationship between parents and children can be cherished for a lifetime.
父母和子女之間的愛情關係可以一輩子珍惜。 -
Some friendships endure for a lifetime, no matter the distance.
有些友誼可以經受住一輩子的考驗,不論距離有多遠。 -
Learning is a lifelong process that continues throughout your lifetime.
學習是一個終身的過程,貫穿你的一輩子。 -
The lessons we learn from our experiences stay with us for a lifetime.
我們從經歷中學到的教訓將伴隨我們一輩子。 -
Living a meaningful life is a goal many people strive for throughout their lifetime.