A Performance
Last night, our family went to see a fantastic singing and dancing performance together.
昨晚,我們一家人一起去觀看了一場精彩的歌舞表演。 -
There will be an open-air concert performance in the city center this weekend, and I can't wait.
這個週末將在市中心舉辦一場露天音樂會表演,我已經迫不及待了。 -
This is a significant exhibition showcasing works by contemporary artists.
You definitely shouldn't miss it.
這是一場展示當代藝術家作品的重要展覽,你絕對不能錯過。 -
At the high school graduation ceremony, the students delivered a deeply touching graduation performance for everyone.
高中畢業典禮上,學生們為大家獻上了一場感人至深的畢業表演。 -
The magician's performance left everyone in awe; he could actually conjure a rabbit from thin air.
魔術師的表演令人目瞪口呆,他居然能將兔子從空氣中召喚出來。 -
The theater was completely full, and everyone was eagerly waiting to watch this play performance.
劇院裡座無虛席,大家都迫不及待地想觀賞這場話劇表演。 -
This ballet performance showcased graceful movements and exquisite skills, earning cheers from the audience.
這場芭蕾舞表演展現了優美的動作和精湛的技巧,贏得了觀眾的喝彩。 -
At the school's cultural festival, the students presented a joyful comedy performance that kept everyone laughing.
在學校的文化節上,學生們帶來了一場歡樂的喜劇表演,讓大家笑聲不斷。 -
Musicians will perform at the city center square, bringing a delightful music performance.
音樂家們將在市中心廣場上演奏,帶來一場令人心曠神怡的音樂表演。 -
After several months of preparation, we finally successfully organized a spectacular community talent show.