jimmylee0602 發表於 2023-02-02 16:21:55 瀏覽 563 次
"If he had written "Suspect This Man of Murder" on a large sign and hung it around Mr. John Goode's neck, he could not have done a better job of inciting Poirot to distrust the fellow."
字面上直翻:"如果他寫一個"殺人嫌犯"的牌子掛在Mr. John Goode的脖子上,他不能更好的煽動白羅懷疑Mr. John Goode",這樣翻真的很不通,是不是可以解釋為"他寫一個"殺人嫌犯"的牌子掛在Mr. John Goode的脖子上是煽動白羅懷疑Mr. John Goode的最好辦法了",因為could not have done a better job意謂沒有比這個辦法更好的意思?
"If he had written "Suspect This Man of Murder" on a large sign and hung it around Mr. John Goode's neck, he could not have done a better job of inciting Poirot to distrust the fellow."
字面上直翻:"如果他寫一個"殺人嫌犯"的牌子掛在Mr. John Goode的脖子上,他不能更好的煽動白羅懷疑Mr. John Goode",這樣翻真的很不通,是不是可以解釋為"他寫一個"殺人嫌犯"的牌子掛在Mr. John Goode的脖子上是煽動白羅懷疑Mr. John Goode的最好辦法了",因為could not have done a better job意謂沒有比這個辦法更好的意思?
Nick 回覆於 2023-02-04 10:54:34
你的翻譯 OK