
今日精選 10 句英文例句,請先看英文句子,仔細思考中文意思,再顯示中文看答案。
Today's afternoon tea, Kay order a piece of tiramisu.
Taiwan's night market has gathered many traditional snack stalls.
Many Taiwanese indigenous people are very talented in singing and often make a splash in singing competitions.
The story you told is truly legendary.
This photo was taken twenty years ago, and the camera at that time did not have such high performance.
You can quickly promote products through online advertising, and you can easily control your advertising budget.
Mary has a lot of experience in organizing charity events.
We designed a brand new office cubicle.
This tourist orchard attracts a lot of tourists.
Indian rubber trees are native to North India, Malaysia and Indonesia, and are now grown all over the world.
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