wealth management名詞
Wealth management involves strategic planning to grow and protect assets.
財富管理涉及戰略規劃,以成長和保護資產。 -
They hired a wealth manager to oversee their investments and financial planning.
他們聘請了一位財富管理師來監督他們的投資和財務規劃。 -
Understanding risk tolerance is an important aspect of wealth management.
理解風險承受能力是財富管理的重要方面。 -
The company offers comprehensive wealth management services to high-net-worth clients.
公司為高資產客戶提供全面的財富管理服務。 -
Wealth management professionals provide tailored advice based on individual financial goals.
財富管理專業人士根據個人財務目標提供量身訂做的建議。 -
They attended a seminar on effective wealth management strategies.
他們參加了一個有關有效財富管理策略的研討會。 -
Estate planning is an important component of comprehensive wealth management.
財富管理中的一個重要組成部分是資產規劃。 -
Wealth management advisors help clients make informed decisions about their finances.
財富管理顧問幫助客戶做出關於他們財務的知情決策。 -
They are considering various investment options as part of their wealth management plan.
作為他們的財富管理計劃的一部分,他們正在考慮各種投資選擇。 -
The goal of wealth management is to achieve financial security and growth for the future.